With roots delving deep into the Earth and branches reaching high into the Sky, trees are like a bridge between two worlds – the familiar world I live in and another world above and beyond. As I walk amongst them and look at what I can touch, I feel humbled by their strength and tranquillity. Even as saplings, I see how they grip the earth in a tenacious hold impervious to weather that would sweep me away. And with age, gnarled bark lends them the character of the wise. Solid, still, resolute, and wise, they embody qualities that I admire. As I look up, these same beings show me more. I see fragile branches that open to embrace the sky as if accepting a blessing from heaven, which they certainly deserve. These branches sway in the slightest breeze but do not yield. At their ends are leaves that seem to glow in the light; radiant beauty in all shapes and colours. Openness, acceptance, and joy can all be found here, and this warms my heart. Strength and tenacity in their base, and openness and joy in their crown, connecting my world and another beyond. Perhaps this unique combination of qualities explains my fascination with trees since whenever I see one, I feel compelled to take a photograph. I see something of myself in them, and also things I wish to become.